Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Paula's prayer meeting 4/10/2024




Join in the Dance

D. Shutte

Join in the dance of the earth's jubilation!
This is the feast of the love of God.
Shout from the heights to the ends of creation:
Jesus the Savior is risen from the grave!

Wake, O people; sleep no longer:
greet the breaking day!
Christ, Redeemer, Lamb and Lion,
turns the night away!

All creation, like a mother,
labors to give birth.
Soon the pain will be forgotten,
joy for all the earth! 

Now our shame becomes our glory
on this holy tree.
Now the reign of death is ended;
now we are set free! 




Resurrection Prayer

                                                 Kathy Galloway


Christ our life,
You are alive - in the beauty of the earth
in the rhythm of the seasons
in the mystery of time and space

Christ our life,
You are alive - in the tenderness of touch
in the heartbeat of intimacy
in the insights of solitude

Christ our life,
You are alive - in the creative possibility
of the dullest conversation
of the dreariest task
the most threatening event

Christ our life,
You are alive - to offer re-creation
to every unhealed hurt
to every deadened place
to every damaged heart

You set before us a great choice.
Therefore we choose life.
The dance of resurrection soars and
surges through the whole creation,
This is grace, dying we live.
So let us live.



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