Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Transforming Spirit

 1  Prayer

2.  Meditation 

Father Richard reflects on how the Spirit’s presence can transform our lives and institutions:  

Without a conscious living in the flow of the Spirit—through us, within us, and for us—and those are the three movements—I think prayer can become merely functional. But if we live within that flow, prayer can become an experience of mystical communion. There is no problem to be solved; it’s simply enjoying what is, learning how to taste it, learning how to receive it, learning how to see God in it, and knowing that this now—whatever it is—is enough.    

When that flow is not there, church becomes overly problem-solving and practical. Sacraments without the Spirit become strategic. They become something we feel obligated to attend or belong to in order to go to heaven. Church becomes about paying fire insurance dues. We don’t really want to be there, but we go along for the ride in case the whole thing just happens to be true. I know this might be shocking to say and hear, but this kind of church deserves to die. There’s no life to it; there’s no future to it. It is not of the Spirit. It is precisely a blocking of the Spirit, but it’s disguised as if it’s spiritual.    

Outside of the Spirit, reading the Bible can also become nothing more than ego ammunition. Without the Spirit, Bible study does not lead to divine intimacy and union; rather, it can lead to self-sufficiency and confirmation about why we’re right. Instead of leading us to God, it becomes a way for us to protect ourselves and to judge and diminish other people. But when we read the scriptures inside of the energy and flow of the Spirit, the stories themselves reveal a thousand confirmations of that very pattern—people allowing the flow, people resisting and opposing the flow, and sometimes, finally being swept up by it. They become models for us that allowing the flow of the Spirit leads to new life.  

Outside of the Spirit, authority becomes domination. Inside of the Spirit, authority becomes service. Outside of the Spirit, politics becomes control. Inside of the Spirit, leadership is something we know is given to us to offer to others: not authority over people but authority to call forth the presence of God within so they can be in the same flow and enjoy the same freedom. 

I think the simplest way to discern the presence of the Spirit is to look for where there is unity, where there’s movement toward reconciliation, for two becoming one, for enemies becoming friends. The Spirit self has no need to think of itself as better than anyone. We just live with an energy and aliveness that Paul called the fruit of the Spirit: “love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control” (Galatians 5:22–23). Our job is simply to stay inside the flow of the Spirit which is love.  

Adapted from Richard Rohr, The Divine Dance: Exploring the Mystery of Trinity (Albuquerque, NM: Center for Action and Contemplation, 2004). Available as MP3 audio download.   

5.  Meditation 


6. Sharing 

7.  Prayer and intentions 

Prayer for Transformation

Lord, transform us – not for our benefit, but for the benefit of the world. 
Do your work in us –
molding us,
making us, 
shaping us,
changing us, 
To be the new creation you have called us to be in Jesus Christ.  

Do your work in our church –
Help us to be the body of Christ 
engaged in mission,
testifying to the power of our faith, 
witnessing to the presence of our living and loving
Savior, Jesus Christ. 

Help us surrender the church back to you. It is yours, not ours. 

Let us lay aside our personal agendas and preferences so we can be fully committed to your calling for us. 

Do your work in our world – 
Give to us a vision of transformed lives, 
neighborhoods, and communities and how we can partner with you
to see what can happen when people of faith make an eternal difference –
living and loving like Jesus and giving themselves fully –
heart, mind, and strength –
to be the very presence of Jesus Christ in our world, 
bringing blessings and redemption for the glory of God! Amen!

8.  Song


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