Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Unused Creativity

When I put this poster in my facebook timeline, it proved to be a challenge that perplexed and bothered some who read it.  It frightened some that all the ill effects will fall unto them as a result of their not using their creativity. 

But what consists creativity?  One adorable, witty and creative comment in my facebook post was - " I had 9 kids so I must be creative".  Creativity for me is anything that you want to do.  Be it small or large a project.  It is something that comes from you, your gut instinct, your desire to express yourself,  to find your voice. 

Perhaps the reason why doing something creative becomes challenging is we are expecting it has to be something big, earth shaking, original, one of a kind. However, everytime we solve a problem or become proactive with regards to a situation, that is being creative.   I might say that happens everyday. 

I think what Dr. Brene Brown wants us to do is overcome our fear to create.  To express something we always wanted to do but was afraid it was too "creative".  Unlike us.  Unexpected to others.  She wants us to take a leap of faith and just do it.  Or else she warns - we will turn into a person saying the phrase , " I wish I did it". 

However, if ever you missed an opportunity, have some hope.  There is always a next time.  Take it easy.  You are Okay. 

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