Monday, September 18, 2017

Paula's Prayer Group Meeting September 14, 2017

It was the national day of prayer when we met and Sr. Paula gave a handout featuring a prayer by St. Augustine above.  During our meditation period, Paula played the song, "You Are the River, I Am the Flow" by Jan Phillips, which you can play by clicking the arrow in the image of the Youtube video below.

Paula shared after the reflection period, that as one of the lyrics say, her wish is to be the breath to refresh the world.  As I was opening my refrigerator after the meeting, I saw on my refrigerator door, the card that was given out during the last annual retreat to identify and remember our prayer partner that year. I was struck by the phrase in it that carries the same message."Let your life speak".

I hope the prayer in the handout and the words and music in the video give you comfort during these times of uncertainties and chaos. Someone up there is in charge. We should not fear but feel His unconditional love and mercy.  See you at the recollection this Sunday.

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