Thursday, June 15, 2017

Paula's Prayer Meeting June 13, 2017

The handout above gives beautiful reflections on each of the person in the two Trinities.

I would like to quote the following from Richard Rohr's Daily Meditation on the Trinity which he considers to be a Dance, "relational, open and creative". Understanding it will help us learn to know ourselves and to live from the "bottom up" and in a nondualistic manner.

Niels Bohr, the Danish physicist who was a major contributor to quantum physics and nuclear fission, said the universe is “not only stranger than we think, but stranger than we can think.” Our supposed logic has to break down before we can comprehend the nature of the universe and the bare beginnings of the nature of God. I think the doctrine of the Trinity is saying the same thing. The “principle of three” breaks down all dualistic either-or thinking and sets us on a dynamic course of ongoing experience.
There are some things that can only be known experientially, and each generation must learn them for themselves. The “prayer of quiet” is a most simple and universal path. Of all the religious rituals and practices I know of, nothing will lead us to that place of nakedness and vulnerability more than regular experiences of solitude and silence, where our ego identity falls away, where our explanations don’t mean anything, where our superiority doesn’t matter and we have to sit there in our naked “who-ness.”
If God wants to get through to us, and the Trinitarian Flow wants to come alive in us, that’s when God has the best chance. God is not only stranger than we think, but stranger than the logical mind can think. Perhaps much of the weakness of the first two thousand years of reflection on the Trinity, and many of our doctrines and dogmas, is that we’ve tried to do it with a logical mind instead of with prayer. The belief in God as a Trinity is saying God is more an active verb than a stable noun. You know it in the flow of life itself.
Adapted from The Shape of God: Deepening the Mystery of the Trinity 

The Daily Meditations for 2013 are now available
in Fr. Richard’s new book Yes, And . . . .

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