Thursday, August 30, 2018

Prayer Meeting at Sue’s (Wilkins Prayer Group)

CSJA Associates in the Monroeville area have three prayer groups that meet once a month that they could join. They are: Paula's Prayer Group, the St. Bernadette Convent Prayer Group, and the Wilkins Prayer Group that meets at Sue's house.

I have been giving you handouts from the first two groups in the past and this time I am sharing these ones conscientiously prepared for us by Natalie during our meeting yesterday at Sue's house. Sue and her husband John have generously opened their house and hearts to us for these monthly meetings these past few years.

We started with a prayer shown below which especially is uplifting during times when we have to deal with challenging unexpected circumstances in our lives.

Natalie also shared an inspiring article on Holy Doubt with a focus on St. Mother Teresa and her struggle with it. This piece came from the Maryknoll magazine.

The next handout shown below was taken from the following book by Richard Rohr and deals on how our responses to the outer world become our reality.

We also listened to the readings of the lyrics of two songs below. I happened to find the YouTube video of Kathy Sherman's song which I am sharing with you.

We ended with the following prayer from a Meditation book.

Let us pray for one another. God is good and merciful. He or She always takes care of us.

Thanks for responding to the invitation to be one with one another as we  read and contemplate the thoughts in these handouts. Have a good day.

Thanks Natalie and Sue.

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