Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Accepting what is

 1.  Prayer

2.  Meditation


3.  Song


4.  Narrative


Accepting What Is
Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Father Richard has often said that transformation mostly comes through great love and great suffering. The First Noble Truth of Buddhism shows how accepting the inescapable nature of suffering can lead to greater freedom. Kaira Jewel Lingo, a former Buddhist nun in Thich Nhat Hanh’s Plum Village community in France, reflects on coming to terms with the unpredictable challenges of life:

In the Buddha’s most essential teaching of the Four Noble Truths, he shares his discovery that suffering is a part of life, and there is no escape from it. This is the first Noble Truth and acknowledging it can help us to suffer less. If we can accept where we are, and not judge the disruption in our life as wrong or bad, we can touch great freedom. This is because fighting what is doesn’t actually work. As the saying goes, “whatever we resist persists.” . . .

Thay [Thich Nhath Hanh] often said, “A true practitioner isn’t someone who doesn’t suffer, but someone who knows how to handle their suffering.” We could say that the measure of our accomplishment or success is not that our life has no ups and downs, but that we can surf the waves!

This attitude of acceptance is freeing when we apply it not only to our personal suffering but also to the suffering in the world. Once, as a young nun, when I was practicing a classic Plum Village guided meditation, I came to the final exercise, “Breathing in, I dwell in the present moment; breathing out, I know this is a wonderful moment.” Suddenly I found myself stuck when I did this practice, questioning how we could truly affirm it was “a wonderful moment” with all the violence, hatred, inequality, and preventable tragedies that are happening in the present moment all over the world. . . .

I sat in the question of it and began to see that along with all the suffering and pain, there are also many beings that are supporting others in the present moment. There are many hearts of compassion, opening to relieve suffering, to care for others, to teach, to show a different way. There are people who are courageous and standing up for what they believe is right, protecting our oceans, cleaning rivers and beaches, advocating for those who are oppressed. There are those in every corner of the planet who are quietly doing the things no one else wants to do: caring for the forgotten people, places, species, and doing what needs to be done.

When I focused on that other part of the larger picture, I was able to touch that, yes, this present moment is also a wonderful moment. I saw that suffering doesn’t have to disappear in order for beauty to be there. That life is about all of these things. . . . The reality is that there is great terror and pain, and there is great love and great wisdom. They’re all here, coexisting in this moment.

Kaira Jewel Lingo, We Were Made for These Times: Ten Lessons on Moving through Change, Loss, and Disruption (Parallax Press: 2021), 28, 30–31.

5.  Meditation


6.  Sharing

7.  Prayers and Intentions

https://youtu.be/PBQjpvZ9Gy4?si=Mpu4X9tEUIHLXrNyThe Litany of Letting Go

From the belief that I have to “do it all”…
From the fear that if I don’t do it, no one will…
From the belief that my way is the best or only way…
From the temptation to give unsolicited feedback, advice, or correction…
From resistance to accepting the help or ideas of others…
From the tendency to seek inner peace by controlling my outward environment…
Deliver me, Jesus.

From the constant urge to be “productive,” even if it means filling my time with unimportant tasks…
From the desire to “keep up’” with those around me…
From the view of busyness as a status symbol…
From the belief that I have to earn rest or wait until I’m completely exhausted to pause…
From all unnecessary pressure or “shoulds”…
Deliver me, Jesus.

From the insatiable desire to always know what’s coming…
From the fear that if I don’t perfectly plan or prepare, I will endure needless suffering…
From the belief that my plans are better than Yours…
From any suspicion or skepticism of Your infinite love and care for me…
Deliver me, Jesus.

From my ruthless inner critic…
From impossible or unreasonable expectations of myself and others…
From the belief that I am lazy or inadequate if I lower or adjust my standards…
From the temptation to equate my work/productivity with my worth…
From false ideas about who I am or who You are…
Deliver me, Jesus.

From the fear of what others will think of me when I am true to myself and to Your call for me…
From the tendency to care more about what others think of me than than what You think of me…
From the desire for affirmation…
From the fear of asking for what I need…
From the fear of setting and maintaining healthy boundaries…
From the fear of letting others down…
From the fear of letting others see my mess...
Deliver me, Jesus.

From all forms of restlessness…
From any false sense of urgency…
From my love of comfort and fear of the cross…
From the desire to “earn” Your love rather than receive it unconditionally…
From undue attachment to anything other than You…
From fear of what will happen when I surrender all to You...
Deliver me, Jesus.

Jesus, I love You. Help me to love You more. 
Jesus, I trust You. Help me to trust You more.
Jesus, I surrender to You. Help me to surrender more.


7.  Song



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