Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Pray share chat 9/27/2023 Non judgmental Attitude

 1. Meditation 


2. Song


3.  Narrative 

Richard Rohr's Daily Meditation

Seven Themes of an Alternative Orthodoxy

Seventh Theme: Reality is paradoxical and complementary. Non-dual thinking is the highest level of consciousness. Divine union, not private perfection, is the goal of all religion (Goal).

You Must Start With Yes 

Meditation 5 of 52

By teaching “Do not judge” (Matthew 7:1), the great teachers are saying that you cannot start seeing or understanding anything if you start with “no.” You have to start with a “yes” of basic acceptance, which means not too quickly labeling, analyzing, or categorizing things as in or out, good or bad, up or down. You have to leave the field open, a field in which God and grace can move. Ego leads with “no” whereas soul leads with “yes.”

The ego seems to strengthen itself by constriction, by being against things; and it feels loss or fear when it opens up. “No” always comes easier than “yes,” and a deep, conscious “yes” is the work of freedom and grace. So the soul lives by expansion instead of constriction. Spiritual teachers want you to live by positive action, an open field, and studied understanding, and not by resistance, knee-jerk reactions, or defensiveness, and so they always say something like “Do not judge,” as judging is merely a control mechanism.

Words and thoughts are invariably dualistic, but pure experience is always non-dualistic. You cannot really experience reality with the judgmental mind, because you are dividing the moment before you give yourself to it. The judgmental mind prevents you from being present to the full moment by trying to “divide and conquer.” Instead, you end up dividing yourself and being conquered.

Adapted from The Naked Now: Learning to See as the Mystics See,
pp. 46-47, 49-50; and When Action Meets Contemplation (MP3)

The Daily Meditations for 2013 are now available 
in Fr. Richard’s new book Yes, And . . . .

4.  Prayer 

Abba Father, the giver and sustainer of life. How bountiful is your mercy and rich your compassion. I approach you humbly today asking you to deliver me from a critical and judgmental spirit. Lord, I am reminded that I am not beyond the reach of temptation, hardships, troubles, or even making mistakes. May I never take this for granted, that I too can be in the same position as the people toward whom I am expressing judgment and criticism. Your Word reminds me that I am saved by your grace and not by my good works, so I have no reason to boast or be high-minded. Lord, I repent for being quick to pass judgement both in speech and thought. For every time my words or actions of judgment and condemnation have hurt someone, Father, I repent.

Lord, I pray that I will not focus on the faults or shortcomings of others. Help me to see others through the eyes of grace. Please help me to not judge people based on their outward appearance. I am reminded of the story when you sent Samuel to anoint one of Jesse’s sons to be king, and you told Samuel that “man looks at the outward appearance but you look at the heart”. I pray that I will not reject or condemn others because they don’t conform to my idea of holiness or meet my standards. Lord, please set me free from religiosity and may I focus on teaching people the truth of Jesus Christ rather than man made rules and requirements. Lord, I ask you to create in me a clean heart, renew a right spirit within me, deliver me from pride and self-righteousness, clothe me with humility, and fill me with love. In Jesus Name, Amen!

Psalm 103:8, Ephesians 2:8-9, 1 John 1:9, John 15:12, 1 Samuel 16:7, Colossians 2:20-23, Psalm 51:10, Luke 18:9-14

5 meditation 

6. Song

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