Monday, September 9, 2024

sr paula's meeting

Everything you Do is Sacred


Now is the time to know

that all that you do is sacred.


Now is the time to understand

that all your ideas of right and wrong

were just a child’s training wheels

to be laid aside

when you can finally live with veracity and love.


…Now is the time for the world to know

that every thought and action is sacred.


This is the time

for you to deeply compute the impossibility

that there is anything

but Grace.

Lord, my God

when Your love spilled over

into creation

You thought of me.

I am from love,

of love,

for love.

Let my heart, O God,

always recognize, cherish

and enjoy Your goodness in

all creation.


Direct all that is me

toward Your praise.

Teach me reverence

for every person, all things

energize me in

Your service.


Lord God, may nothing

ever distract me from

Your love….

neither health nor sickness

wealth nor poverty

honor nor dishonor

long life nor short life.


May I never seek nor

choose to be other than

You intend or wish.



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