Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Maxims 99 and 100 Monroeville Prayer Group November 18, 2019 Meeting

This blog post consists of the handouts on Maxim 99 and 100 generously prepared by Natalie for the Monroeville Prayer Group meeting held in November 18, 2019 at Dottie's house. The scripture readings suggested in the book of Maxims are conveniently included for us to ponder on.

As a bonus, Natalie also included at the end of the maxim handouts the prayers that were provided to the participants of the retreat she attended at the CSJ retreat house in Cape May in 2018. Thank you Natalie for your time and effort in preparing these handouts and to Dottie for hosting the meeting.

The Monroeville prayer group that used to meet at the St. Bernadette Convent and lately at Dottie's house will be combined with Sr. Paula's prayer group that will meet from here on on a Wednesday  once a month at Sue's house. To celebrate the evolution of this so called Convent group, I am featuring some photos of the group through the years at the end of this post.

The late Sr. Ursula Grimes facilitated the group which was started by Sr. Marguerite Kropinak in the early eighties.  We met at the St. Bernadette Convent in Monroeville PA for several years.  Sr. Carol Arch used to come down and served us coffee and goodies after.

The picture above shows the members having coffee and goodies brought by the members after the meeting. The sisters at the convent headed by Sr. Carol, the principal at the parish school, are always very hospitable to us. The person on the left of Sr. Ursula is Sr. Mary Cordia, Sr. Ursula's sister.

Sr. Bernadette Carlow and Sr. Mary Fran Graesinger used to join us during our discussion.

We had Xmas dinner at Dottie's house as shown below in 2017 and when the St. Bernadette Convent was scheduled to close we moved to Dottie's house to meet.

Our last meeting was November 18, 2019 at Dottie's house before we join with Sr. Paula's group that meet on a Wednesday once a month.

Our thanks to all that have been part of this wonderful faith sharing group.  Thanks to you all for joining our group as you read and shared with us on our reflection of the maxims.

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