Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Paula's Prayer Meeting 5/8/2024


  You and I Lord

Song:  You and I Lord

                        Kathy Sherman

You and I Lord began our journey

so very long ago.  Together we’ve

endured throughout the years.  You have sweetened all my joys; you’ve brought comfort in my pain. We’ve come so far and yet we’ve just begun.                          

You and I Lord, we’ve seen darkness; there were times I was lost along the way.  I’ve been lonely, I’ve been frightened.  I had to learn to trust.  But you were there by my side. You never let me go.  You were the light in my night that brought the day.                                                                                           

Thank you for your faithfulness,

your strength and your love.  For

the gifts of special places and for

friends.  Thank you for drawing

me ever closer to you.  Be with

me on the road that lies ahead.


You and I Lord, we share life

together we have been and we

will be.  My life is yours, I am

open to the mysteries and the

wonders of your love.  You have

sweetened all my joys; you’ve

brought comfort in my pain.  

We’ve come so far and yet we’ve

just begun.




            God is gazing upon you with Great Love and yearns to be with you.

                                                          TO SEE AS GOD SEES

It is your destiny to see as God sees,

to know as God knows,

to feel as God



How is this possible?  How?

Because divine love cannot defy its

very self.


Divine love will be eternally true to its own being,

and its being is giving all it can,

at the perfect moment.


And the greatest gift

God can give is God’s own experience.


Every object, every creature, every man, woman and child

has a soul and it is the destiny of all,


to see as God sees, to know as God knows, to feel as God feels,

to Be as God






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