Sunday, November 8, 2015

Wisdom from Lost Socks

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I think it was Meryl Streep who said that life is made up of metaphors. I find wisdom and comfort from familiar situations like finding my granddaughter's lost socks at the most unexpected places and at times when you least expect to find them.  Last night, Maddie was watching YouTube videos in our bed and we cozied up underneath the comforter. When she was ready to go downstairs to her Aunt B I saw she was missing one of her socks.  I was too tired to look for it. For one thing it was a formidable task since the bed was littered with books and magazines.  I just decided it would turn up. Someday.  Somewhere.

Lo and behold the next morning as I jumped out of bed I saw the lost sock on the floor, right beside the bed.   It possibly got there as I tossed the comforter to one side.

For some reason, I decided to imprint this scene in my mind so that the next time I feel sad or even afraid that something that I lost like the zest for what I thought was a passion for writing blog essays or the joy of traveling will never come back.  I think I was distracted by my developing plant based recipes, a new challenge for me, that I just did not have time to write reflective essays such as this.  It has been more than a month but I am happy to say that the yearning to express my thoughts are coming back.  As for taking the next trip, my body knows when the time is right. We do get tired. Having done two big trips this year zapped my energy,  As to when the wanderlust will come back I do not know but I have the metaphor of the lost sock to tide me over and look forward for that time.

As I was telling my husband about the lost sock beside my bed, he told me he found one of Maddie's tiny socks underneath the bed in the room downstairs and another one under the sofa the past few weeks.  What more evidence do I need to convince me that lost socks do turn up.

Hope you had a good weekend.

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