Sunday, February 14, 2016

What Is God Like To You

I found out that how I pictured God made a lot of difference in my life. I summarized its impact on me in the poem below.

How Is Your God Like

I always had a hard time being happy
Always forlorn and guilty
Until I found out my image of God
Was making me sick and sad
I used to picture him as a Santa Claus
Rewarding me with a bike
If my actions he liked
Dumping me on the side
If my actions began to slide

Through the years I found
The God I pictured should not be that of that guy who is jolly and round
But more like a good mother or a best friend
Who loves me unconditionally to the end
Whether I am good or bad
Whether I make her proud or sad
This God will be at my side
Happy to rejoice or help me if I need a guide

I no longer wake up scared
Of the day ahead 
That I will displease and get punished
Or go to bed feeling admonished
I now start the day not blue
But confident my loving God will help me through
Not abandon me when I fail and fall 
But patiently pick me up and guide me to again stand tall
At night I no longer feel rueful
But feeling hopeful and grateful
Because I change my God
To one who loves me good or bad
Who is at my side
Come high or low tide.

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