Saturday, January 23, 2016

Lottery, hope and winning

When I was in college I remember our psychology teacher making a sort of spectrum of the different emotions that humans undergo.  He placed at the very end despair.  He explained that when this emotion is experienced we hardly or not at all feel any other.

And then there is hope, the opposite of despair. Whereas the latter signals the end, the former promises a tomorrow, a bright one.  For some brief moment two weeks ago, the whole nation and the whole world was giddy with hope when the power ball lottery reached the insanely large amount of 1.6 billion dollars. I had never seen such show of happiness though the odds of winning was statstically impossible. Everybody knew these odds. But still the TV showed people declaring with confidence to the camera, "I will win".

For one brief moment, what we hope for as the poster says did not matter.  The very much needed essence of hope was at work in the lives of all at a time when the world was darkened by fear from terrorist attacks and fluctuating economic conditions.  It is apparent that winning was not the essence. Hoping to win was. We needed this moment. And life did continue.

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