Thursday, March 3, 2016

I Did Not Know

I did not know
And now I take a bow
To medical research and technology
Without them my two lovey doveys
Of a grandchildren will not be here
Which would have brought me a lot of tears
One was born with two instead of three veins to her mom's placenta
While the latest one lived through a punctured one
A friend told me that decades ago survival would not be possible
And these two instances would have just spelled trouble
The early detection in the case of the first one and monitoring
And now for the premature second one the continuous caring
Helped them survive
And to thrive and be alive
I am grateful to the men and women in the medical field
Who worked hard for solutions to these needs
I am grateful to Him up there
For these two miracles I hold dear
Two gifts He had handed
And medical feats I almost took for granted.