Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Whatever I Eat Turns Into Me

Whatever I Eat Turns Into Me

If whatever I eat turns to me
Will I now be looking like a tree?
For 5 months I have been plant based* 
No meat, no fish, no dairy, and no eggs
Was it the end of merry me
Or is it more the beginning of me so healthy
Would you believe with 80% complex carbohydrates
Just 10 % protein and 10 % fat, my A1C** was the best yet
For a long time diabetic to get 5.8 is a feat so great
So happy this is working
Though it takes a lot of chopping and planning 
I eat whole wheat and grains
Plenty of vegetables and leafy greens
Not to worry for my protein
I get from tofu, quinoa, beans and also from the greens
And for my sources of good fat
I get mine from seeds, avocado, coconut oil and nuts
Fruits and plant based dessert to eat I am able
And yes even chocolate since it is a vegetable!
Of course in moderation all of these food goodies
It is more than this and that which you skip
It is what you put in, the antioxidants among them diseases they can lick
And if you follow the 80 20 20 rule
No need for counting calories for us fools
Just do not mix other diets with this one
I do cheat once in a while cuz I am human
But no surprise there is a price to pay
So keep it once in a while and not everyday
I learned to concoct recipes that are flavorful and tasty
While making me glowing and healthy
What the heck
If I do not eat steak
If I eat do turns to me
Oh gee, tee hee
I would rather turn to a plant
Than an animal like an elephant.

*If you want to know more about the plant based approach to eating and living, check this book out, The Happy Herbivore Guide to Plant-Based Living by Lindsay S. Nixon.

**Here is a link explaining what A1C and its number means.